Friday, December 3, 2010

Art Walk South Bend 2010

Our studios are on the South Bend Art Walk tour. Stop by and get your stockings stuffed.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

LA La La Latino Art Now!

I'm headed to Los Angeles to take in Latino Art Now! conference. Follow the link for details and format then come and join the discussion.

Hoping to connect with some friends as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

La Luna Mariposa

The new limited edition lithograph, "La Luna Mariposa" is available for sale. $100 a print. Printed on Arches buff 20 x 15" paper. The edition of twenty eight prints was split with IUSB. I have 13 remaining to be sold on my end. Get them while they're hot. Email me @ if you would like to own one.

UPDATE: 11/16/2010 Ten (10) prints left. Get 'em while they're hot!

Monday, October 25, 2010

La Luna Mariposa

Last Thursday Joe Segura and Alan Larkin printed up the orange layer for the Mariposa print in preparation for the demo at IUSB. Friday Joe and Alan etched the black plate and printed over the orange base they had printed the day before.

During some of the drying times Joe showed examples of prints his publishing company, Segura Publishing Company, has printed. I showed a few of my relief prints and talked about the ideas that lead up to the image for “Luna Mariposa.” We had a pretty good turnout and the students asked good questions about collaboration, techniques, inspiration, and shop safety.

I’m pretty happy with the results. I still have to go back to edition and sign the prints before they are available for purchase.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dirty Printmaking

Wednesday I finished printing up my newest woodblock relief print for the Dirty Printmakers of America’sState of the States” portfolio. The new print is titled “Toma, Tomas.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Walls and Plates

The wall was completed on October 2 (Feliz Cumpleaños Ama). We’re just waiting on the print framing to be completed so that we can hang them in their spots (the white paper in the pictures). I’m really happy with the outcome of this wall. Thanks to Dolores and Gil for the opportunity to create this piece in their home.

I have been drawing on a couple of litho plates for a demonstration at Indiana University South Bend (details below). IUSB had asked for an image with a Dia de los Muertos theme. I had originally intended to create a different image for the print. However, working on the Luna Mariposa on the wall inspired me to rework the image in lithographic form. The print will be in orange and black which means I have drawn up two plates – one for each color.

(below is part of the press release info)

Demonstration of aluminum plate lithography and the collaborative process in printmaking.
9:30 – 12:30 Friday October 22nd 2010
in the IUSB printmaking workshop
room 101 in the Fine Arts Building

Indiana University welcomes Joe Segura and Ramiro Rodriguez to the printmaking shop on Friday October 22nd for a morning workshop on aluminum plate lithography. Segura and Rodriguez will collaborate to produce a two color lithograph drawn by Rodriguez celebrating the Day of the Dead. The workshop will highlight both the technology of the process as well as reveal the methodology of a printmaker and artist functioning in a collaborative manner. Examples of the work of both artists will be a major part of this presentation.
All students and guests are welcome.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The dragon, the tree and the wall

Another patron has purchased a suite of the Earth Dragon prints. This is the suite of prints pulled from the coffin I created for my installation "Cuentos y Memoria" in 2007.

This print has become a bit of a challenge to frame and exhibit because of it’s 18” x 16’ length. The solution has been to frame up the prints in 4 sections - the three “head” portions of the print in one frame, the two 54” long side prints and the “tree of life/tail” sections separately.

While working out framing logistics and placement options the couple asked if I would be interested in painting some elements from the print designs onto a stairway wall in their home somewhat like what I did in Omaha last year. Here is what the wall looks like after two nights of working on it. The white rectangles are where the framed prints will be hanging.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Centenario de la Revolucion Mexicana" @ Mexic-Arte

My print "Tierra y Libertad? 1910-2010" will be exhibited along with the rest of the prints in the "Centenario de la Revolucion Mexicana" (Centennial of the Mexican Revolution) portfolio at Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The portfolio is being shown as part of the museum's exhibit "Promises of Independence and Revolution: Artists Interpreting Mexico" September 25 through November 21, 2010.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tierra y Libertad?

My friend, Rene Arceo, invited me to participate in a print portfolio he is putting together. The theme is celebrating the centennial of the Mexican Revolution. Twenty five printmakers from the USA and Mexico will be participating.

My woodblock relief print will represent the idea of "the more things change, the more they stay the same." The image shows a modern day Emilano Zapata, hoe and corn seed in hand, standing in a field of corn while cobs rain down from the sky. I wanted to speak on the fight against big foreign seed companies that have potential to contaminate the indigenous corn strains with their gmo seeds. This in the land where corn was first domesticated. With this invasion the companies have the power to "steal" the modern Mexican farmers' way of life just as the big hacienda owners did a century ago.

Friday, July 9, 2010

3rd Ward : Ramiro Rodriguez

Please follow this link and vote for my work. Your vote could help me win a $1,000 cash grant and a feature in 3rd Ward's Quarterly Magazine.
You may vote every 24 hours.

3rd Ward : Ramiro Rodriguez

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Print and Present

My little apprentice signed his prints this weekend.

Some of the work I've done for MJK and Tool are going to be on display at The Vicker's Theater in Three Oaks, Michigan to coincide with the Blood Into Wine Screening on May 6th.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Thanks to my parents for inviting me here, showing me love and giving me fabulous brothers and sisters.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Llego la Primavera

It’s been a while. After my winter exhibition I kinda curled up to re-juvinate. I’ve been coming out of the winter blues and enjoying the spring activities. I’ve been traveling a bit and meeting up with old friends, as well as, making some new ones.

March was Puscifer month. My wife and I were able to catch the Chicago shows and my buddy Al and I made the Milwaukee show as well. In all, I got to see 3 unique versions of the performance and they were all incredible (V-Airline, Country Boner, Religious). MJK and troupe inject the live performances with energy and artistry that is seldom seen these days.

Last week I was invited to attend the NALAC (National Association of Latino Art and Culture) conference in San Jose, California. It was another one of those head exploding experiences. The panels on roles of various art and community projects, leadership, history, and plans for future were very inspiring. The wealth of information from the many people I met will be resonating for quite some time. I hope to incorporate some of that information and relationships in my own work and life.
There were some amazing performances by Susana Baca, Las Krudas, Las Bomberas de la Bahia, Los Soneros del Este, Los Planeros de la 21, Sones de Mexico, Los Cenzontles and the amazing Liza Garza. Some of the personal highlights were: meeting all the great people and artists (esp. Maria Luisa Colmenarez,Carmen Lomas Garza and Gilbert “Magu” Lujan, Las Gallas) attending a glass blowing workshop at BAGI by Jaime Guerrero watching The Royal Chicano Air Force and Tomas Ybarra Frausto receive their lifetime achievement awards and the midnight jam between members of Los Planeros and Sones de Mexico in one of the ballrooms of the Marriott.

Now it’s on to completing the new prints for the portfolios I’ve been invited to participate in, printing some of my little apprentices’ print editions, starting some new paintings and getting the garage studio project back on track.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Print portfolios

I am participating in three portfolios this year.

Dirty Printmakers of America

Arceo Press

Consejo Grafico

More days in the week please.

Monday, February 15, 2010


My little apprentices have been busy in the studio making linoleum block prints. They've even gotten some commissions. Can I retire now?

The "Materia Prima" exhibition at Crossroads Gallery closes on Friday (2/19). Where am I going to put all those big paintings now?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where I'm @

Pulling down shows
Re-organizing studio space
Grant application
Looking for exhibition ops
Portfolio image pondering
Printing little men’s work
Framing up friends’ artwork for home
Lining up schedules
Figuring taxes