Monday, October 25, 2010

La Luna Mariposa

Last Thursday Joe Segura and Alan Larkin printed up the orange layer for the Mariposa print in preparation for the demo at IUSB. Friday Joe and Alan etched the black plate and printed over the orange base they had printed the day before.

During some of the drying times Joe showed examples of prints his publishing company, Segura Publishing Company, has printed. I showed a few of my relief prints and talked about the ideas that lead up to the image for “Luna Mariposa.” We had a pretty good turnout and the students asked good questions about collaboration, techniques, inspiration, and shop safety.

I’m pretty happy with the results. I still have to go back to edition and sign the prints before they are available for purchase.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dirty Printmaking

Wednesday I finished printing up my newest woodblock relief print for the Dirty Printmakers of America’sState of the States” portfolio. The new print is titled “Toma, Tomas.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Walls and Plates

The wall was completed on October 2 (Feliz Cumpleaños Ama). We’re just waiting on the print framing to be completed so that we can hang them in their spots (the white paper in the pictures). I’m really happy with the outcome of this wall. Thanks to Dolores and Gil for the opportunity to create this piece in their home.

I have been drawing on a couple of litho plates for a demonstration at Indiana University South Bend (details below). IUSB had asked for an image with a Dia de los Muertos theme. I had originally intended to create a different image for the print. However, working on the Luna Mariposa on the wall inspired me to rework the image in lithographic form. The print will be in orange and black which means I have drawn up two plates – one for each color.

(below is part of the press release info)

Demonstration of aluminum plate lithography and the collaborative process in printmaking.
9:30 – 12:30 Friday October 22nd 2010
in the IUSB printmaking workshop
room 101 in the Fine Arts Building

Indiana University welcomes Joe Segura and Ramiro Rodriguez to the printmaking shop on Friday October 22nd for a morning workshop on aluminum plate lithography. Segura and Rodriguez will collaborate to produce a two color lithograph drawn by Rodriguez celebrating the Day of the Dead. The workshop will highlight both the technology of the process as well as reveal the methodology of a printmaker and artist functioning in a collaborative manner. Examples of the work of both artists will be a major part of this presentation.
All students and guests are welcome.